Thursday, July 29, 2010

Any advice for a Mother of a 4 year old acting out at pre-school due to a new baby in the house?

My Older son was never a perfect angel, he was always full of mischief, and loved being the center of attention. I was surprised how good he was about having a little brother and how good natured and loving he seemed to him. about a couple of months ago as my younger one started becoming more needy of attention, especially when he's sick with ear infections, my Older son started misbehaving terribly at school, hittining, being fresh, not listening, arguing with teachers and children, even trying to bite. I've tried having special time, explaining that I love them both the same, punishing, threatening, even explaining to him that when he hurts other people he hurts me (he seems to only care about my feelings) Please help I'm at my wits end!!!!!!!!Any advice for a Mother of a 4 year old acting out at pre-school due to a new baby in the house?
Sounds like he is getting a lot of attention now that he is acting out. All of the focus is back on him. Children are smart.

He has to learn to adjust to having a sibling. Children are resilient. He will be fine sharing his parents. Stop worrying about it. He can sense it.

At 4 he understands a lot more than you think. Set up a meeting with his teacher and bring him along. Make this a serious, formal time. Together give him your expectations at school. Let him know how he will behave, exactly, and what happens if he doesnt' do that. You can do whatever works for you all - a reward system, time outs, spankings, etc. Let him know the consequence at school and then what will be followed at home. When you get the daily report let him know that you are disappointed and he needs to take his consequence. Stay firm. On days that he gets good reports shower him with love and attention. Brag on him, play a game, etc. Don't BUY hm anything - just praise him with your words and attention. Call Grandma and tell her, etc. In the morning remind him again how you couldn't stop smiling because of how well he behaved!

Don't make excuses for his behavior. He will use that to his advantage as much as he can. I teach 4 year old preschool and have a 4 year old of my own so I know! :)

Good Luck. SDAny advice for a Mother of a 4 year old acting out at pre-school due to a new baby in the house?
All children act differently to changes in their envoirnment. Having a little brother may have been easy because of all the ';hype'; but once lil brother got sick and he got most of the attention them your older son got jealous. Acting out at school is not uncommon. ask the school if they have a social worker whom you could talk to and maybe they could help your older son thru's nothing to be ashamed about but he may be having trouble expressing to you how he really feals and maybe having a 3rd party to talk to could give you a new insight on how to handle the situation.

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