i am a dog person but my boy friend recently adopted a stray cat that we've been feeding since birth, shes about 10months old now and has TERRIBLE gasses, we feed her dry food and sometimes tuna from the cat cans at a treat, what should we feed her and what brand...btw she gained alot of weight, should we leave the food out for her or give her once or twice a day?any suggestions and advice is welcome thanks in advanceNew to cats...any advice?
What you are feeding her isn't agreeing with her. You need to upgrade the food. If you can buy it at the grocery store, chances are that it's poor quality. Generally, you get what you pay for so go to the pet store %26amp; invest in the best you can afford to buy regularly.
Any diet changes should be done slowly by mixing in a little more of the new each day over the course of a week.
Tuna is truly not good for cats. Stick with real meat or cat food.
Cats should be fed twice per day. It really is not healthy to leave food out for them all the time. A good amount to start with is 1/4 cup of dry or 1/3 of a 6oz. can. If you feed according to the label you will have a very fat cat! Whatever doesn't get eaten in 10 or 15 minutes needs to be removed.
Are you sure she's not pregnant? That would explain a suddenly large belly.
Edit: Cats generally go into their first heat cycle around 6 - 8 mos. They're pregnant approx. 90 days so your cat definitely could be preggers!
Take her to the vet. If she's pregnant, now is not the time to limit her food intake.
Best wishes!New to cats...any advice?
Take her to a vet for shots %26amp; a check up. The vet can recommend a food brand. The cat should be neutered or of course she can end up pregnant. Tuna's not good for cats. Wet cat food twice a day is best. Lots of fresh water available. I feed my cats Science Diet, though a lot of folks don't like that brand. Stick to cat food that is pate like, rather than chunks with gravy. Also you don't want to keep switching brands of cat food, that often causes diarrhea/gas.
Indoor cats live longer, safer, healthier lives.
i would just feed her twice a day about half a cup to 3/4 of a cup each time. as for the kind of food, any brand is really fine. i usually feed my cats purina dry cat food or the cheap brand of the same stuff. they like it perfectly fine. and they don't seem to get gas from it or anything if that's what you're asking. oh and make sure the cat has lots of water throughout the day if you are only going to just feed her dry food (which is what I do). GOOD LUCK! Cats are great!
My cat (that I found as a baby, in the woods) went through a gas phase at one point in his kittenhood - it passed. It might have been because I quit feeding him soft/canned food (a lot of which was tuna-flavored). He only eats dry/bagged catfood now and he also happens to not have gas. I know that with dogs, the cheap brands make them gassy; probably true of cats too.
Leave the food out %26amp; let her eat as she pleases. Cats know how to gage their eating habits. But since it's true that in dogs, overeating (and eating too fast) can cause gas, maybe you could try curbing her food load if nothing else works.
P.S. It might be the tuna... i fed my cat tuna cans on occasion there for a few months - might have been during his gassy phase.
Cats are always hungry, If you leave the food out ur going to a have a bowling ball with legs...feed her 2x a day, mix it up..Ive got 5 and I give them dry in the morning and wet food at night..
Dont keep changing the brand of food around. Try to stick to the one brand.
You mean the cat farts a lot?
i would try different foods, i dont know of anything else that causes gas.
the cheap, Chinese made, cat food contains antifreeze.
look into all meat cat food, like instinct.
i dont like dry food, i never saw a dry mouse, so i assume cats should not have a dry food only diet.
some cats over eat and get fat, if you free feed. leave out all day. i feed canned twice a day and leave a bowl of dry out all day. but mine are active indoor/outdoor.
if she has never been to a vet, now would be a good time for a check up.
if she is not spayed, she could be pregnant, which would be the weight gain.
pregnant cats show on the sides, burro look.
fat cats are fat all over.
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