Hi. Im kaylee
Well im moving to a new school I will be a junior and I don't know if ill fit in. Im moving to florida tampa I live in chicago right now. Well my style is just jeans,omg I love and own many ripped jeans. I wear hollister,abercrombie,and anything cute. I have big purses!! I love them I own juicy purses im in love with them o and zebra ones to. I wear flats.uggs and flip flops. I have long blonde hair with black underneath I have a monroe and my nose pierced im 5,5 and weight 138 im mexican and italian. If you were to see me for the first time will you talk 2 me? Ugh help I just want to make friends! Like I have here . O and I drive a white ford 2007. Thanks your opinion matters.
O and I might be pregnant!Moving to a new school,will you like me? help fashion advice! am I pretty?
THEY'RE IS NOTHING HOTTER THAN AN ITALIANO MEXICANO PREGO WITH PIERCINGS AND RIPPED JEANS. Except everything.Moving to a new school,will you like me? help fashion advice! am I pretty?
First all of all what you look like has nothing to do with the sort of person you are inside and that counts for a lot. The car you drive also means NOTHING!!! I like people to be reasonably intelligent, fun and have some common sense and maturity.Being a junior and possibly pregnant you do not fall into that category.
I love ripped jeans too!
Back to the question. I would not talk to you, because I'm shy! You'd have to be the one to talk to me 1st lol.. So that's the lesson to remember, be out going to others 1st, and others will naturally open up to you :)
P.S. Go get a pregnancy kit.
You sound just lovely. The picture I'm getting is of a very pretty, trendy, stylish girl. If you are pregnant, except some smack talkers, but don't let it get to you. At least you'll be a pretty mom while other those other girls will be old and crinkled when they have babies%26lt;3
You sound like a great girl so yeah i would be your friend! and i love your style :P
and i dont care if you were to be pregnant, i dont think that should ever stop a friendship from forming x
Hope you like your new school, and i hope you make loadz of friends!! x
Yh and if ur not pregnant, then please be more careful in the future! u rlly dont wana grow up so quick..jus enjoy while your young x
Hey, you might be pregnant! Awesome! Why are you telling us this? And btw on the whole friend making thing, just try to be yourself, and I mean if people don't like you, then why would you want to be friends with them? Just don't try too hard, you'll look like an idiot.
you sound like a really nice girl! and you sound really pretty.
you have the same style as me! i%26lt;3rippedjeans,holliser,a%26amp;f,and juicy coulture! uggs and flip flops and so my styles too! plus im italian too! nice car too! but, being prego kinda throws me off.
dont wear the piercings the first day,
or ever again.
try shipping at H%26amp;M or zara , for chic dressy pieces.
be confident.
and go to the clinic about the possible preggoeggo
more fashion style items for your choice:
Uh maybe im more of a dark person but i usually reach out to new kids and end up making friends with them and you sound really pretty so if you are your baby would probably also look pretty
Well, I was gonna say yes, but the last sentence screwed that up.
I don't talk to new people.
...yea sorry that last sentence threw me off...
i'd be ur freind... but then u got to the pregnant part.
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