Thursday, August 19, 2010

New pet bunny - 6weeks - advice?

i just got a new bunny, 6 weeks (too young, i know, but i got him as a birthday gift.)

i understand that i shouldn't feed him any wet food, such as lettuce or carrots at this age because he may get wettail, i'm feeding him rabbit food, and alfalfa now, is that good? anything else i should give him?

another thing, he randomly sprints in his cage or when i let him run around the house, that normal?

sorry for these questions, but i never had a little bunny, every rabbit i have had i got at a few months old.New pet bunny - 6weeks - advice?
6 weeks is young for a bunny but not too young. 8 is better but 6 is just fine.

You are feeding him everything he needs, I would feed him timothy hay instead of alfalfa. Alfalfa can be a bit too rich for young bunnies.

You can give him treats such as yogurt drops (sold at pet stores).

I would never feed him lettuce but a few carrots are ok. Lettuce can give them watery feces and an upset stomach.

As for the running around that is perfectly normal. Just make sure he is on good footing, he can sprint on slippery floors and hurt his back.

Good luck!New pet bunny - 6weeks - advice?
Stick with the alfalfa, it's too high in protein for adults but it's great for rabbits under 6 months, especially if they may be a bit out of condition or small for their age. Wait until he's a few months old before introducing any veggies and then give them in very small amounts. He won't get wet tail, it's bloat and GI stasis that you have to worry about in rabbits, it's quite common and definitely something to research in case you ever have to deal with it in the future.

The sprinting means he's happy, he's just playing!
instead of alfalfa, get timothy hay.

quality rabbit pellets are fine

you can feed him a baby carrot or two every week as a ';treat';

but definately no lettuce

as for the running around, some breeds are excitable, especially the small/dwarf breeds! they always run around so dont worry. Also make sure that the cage is at least 4x bigger than your rabbit - thats what is recommended by ARBA
u r really smart with the food ur giving it because u should never ever give a rabbit carrots. also when he runs around it just means that he is trying to get excersize. so its normal. it may be time for a bigger cage outside though, depending on his size and age. i think since u have never had a bunny before u r pretty smart about it because most people arent that smart with rabbits. good job!
you can give him carrots, celery, kale, cauliflower, boiled potatoes and apples you also can give him fresh grass and dandelion yes that is normal for him to run like that my rabbit does the same thing
don't feed him lettuce will give him the runs and yes you should give him fruit and veg such as carrot and broccoli apple too but not grass either hes to young wait till hes about 7 months old i hope this is enough info for you :)

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